A Promotional Opportunity for Songwriters, Bands, Performance Artists and DJ's.

Build us a short video that tells your story incorporating the questions below (Video 1-4), no more than 2 minutes and shows the world what you do and we share it with world!(entires will not be approved if this video is not included, or a link to the video on a website or YouTube)
We know how hard you work and the uphill battle musicians and artists experience everyday bringing their music and art to the world. Team StompLight believes that music and art are important and we want to help. Everyone who submits a qualifying video receives a cool StompLight t-shirt and global promotion. In addition, in June we will send out a survey to our StompLight family around the globe and ask them to vote for their favorite submissions. The winners will also receive a StompLight Singer-Songwriter Bundle and the opportunity to attend the 2018 Summer NAMM show in Nashville as a guest of StompLight. Submissions for consideration for Summer NAMM prize must be submitted no later than June 1, 2018. |
The Details: By submitting information, audio and video to StompLight the submitting artist grants StompLight the right to use your name and the submitted media in StompLight marketing and promotion. The submitting artist also agrees if they received a StompLight product; to provide StompLight with photos and video showing the artist using StompLight in a performance or artistic setting. In addition selected artists will receive the opportunity to attend NAMM Shows in Anaheim and Nashville. Selected artists will receive StompLight products. There is no monitory compensation provided to an Artist for submission and for the rights to use their media, name and celebrity in StompLight marketing. Any questions? Reach out to Maggie at info@stomplight.com. |